Wednesday 20 February 2008

I know it's late..The strengths and weaknesses of Blogs as collaberative tools

To honest the reason this blog post is late is because I forgot about it and that I had to do it. I was stressing too much on the interin report and why my code was broken. However back to the task in hand.
Blogs are, baically, a way of comunicating with the world. They can be used for all different reasons, some good and some not so. As it can be seen wih a quick trip to myspace most people are using blogs to tell the world how psueo-interesting thier life apparently is. Personally I think that blogs should only be used for a productive reason, like this class. I'm asked for my thoughts I put them on the blog people comment, I get assessed and so on. I cannot really see why people would keep a blog chronicalling every mundane task they ever carry out, maybe this is one of the reasons I have a general hatred for popular culture, and every small incident that ever happens but enough about my hatred of the general public. I do think however that blogs can be used for constructive purposes; such as keeping track of a project, etc....I think that if a blog is witten for a good reason and the author has a good reason to pubish thier ideas/views/findings then it is a very useful and powerful tool. As for bing collaberative I'm still in two minds. Yes Blogs can allow collaberative working but the senario seems a little pointless to me.

1.Authorwrites on Blog
2.Another reads then comments
3.Author reads comments and relplies
4.Loops back to 2.

My main reason for thinking this is a bit pointless is that God knows how much time will pass between stages. For instance say that 2 days passes between each stage and that the blog is chronicalliing a software project. Then in the two days the author could have continued coding something that was yet to be pointed out as wrong at stage 2, then It would have been 4 days until the author realises that what they've just spent the past few days doing has been completely wrong. Personally I think that e-mail and IM are much better than blogs because they , in general, provide instant feedback and for time critical projects this would be crucial.


Liam Friel said...

I agree Thomas, many blogs that are on the internet are pointless dictations of "what i did today" or "why my life sucks!" but I feel that these are the trials we must face if the Read/Write web is to benefit us.

Ethics and Transparency In Politics said...

You are right that blogs are not useful for the collaboration example you gave. But there are other forms of collaboration - I think you are thinking only within fairly narrow bounds here.